when i was young in early elementy school teachers pretty much wrote everting for me altough it wasn't an accommodation ( thay did that for all the special education students) Then during 4th grade they stopped doing it so my grandmother requested assisitive technology because i could barely wright,i got cramps while writing i when i could write it was illegible. All these years they refused then in my 8th grade iep meeting i brought it up agian they said it was impossible then they called up someone and they said it was only for students that are severely or profoundly disabled and either cant communicate or have cp. I dont know if they remember that before early intervention and years of pt i could bearly walk and almost needed orthopedics. but even so is this true? is their anything i can do?
Then in 9th grade i had this wonderful english teachers whose daughter also had an iep she was retiring that year and she allways let me use one of her laptops from the schools laptop cart and let me keep one for school homework and stuff. But even with having a computer they still don't put it as an accommodation or even fore teachers to print out their notes for me.